Wednesday, 10 July 2013

From Rags to... Well, More Rags

This week I have been mostly buying maternity clothes.  Or, more accurately, trying to buy maternity clothes.  Being on a limited budget, and knowing I would only have to wear them for a few months, I resolved not to overspend and to buy only from the High Street. 

Well, it was an experience to say the least.  A sad, disappointing, disheartening experience.  Having hauled my ever-expanding self up to the bus stop in the heat, rode to the Shopping Park, I confidently expected to wander nonchalantly in, scoop up half a dozen tee-shirts and a similar number of pants and be away.

HA!  I never thought I'd call myself naïve before.  Did you know all the big shops - Next, New Look, George, Tesco have all moved to selling online?  And online ONLY!  In fairness, New Look had 2 stands of clothes-8 "arms", and that was it.

So despite being the time when a woman's body changes most; when her whole form expands in different directions and in different amounts, she is expected to go online, buy clothes that will fit her old body, then pay to have them delivered.  Then, in case pregnancy isn't stressful enough, she has to go through the faff of returning them and ordering again-in a size she hopes will fit - and pay all over again for delivery.

NICE!  It's not like they should be trying to keep our business as we'll soon have little (yet fast growing)  bundles of joy to clothe - as well as needing more new clothes ourselves!

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