So here's another post midnight Blog for you all. Shh! Don't tell Prince Daddy or I'll get told off. Again. You know the way men say (quietly) "She's pregnant, not ill," Well, I wish someone would tell Prince Daddy that. Being looked after is quite nice for about a day and a half, then I have the urge to club him over the head with something unpleasant - like a Lego Gandalf!
To be fair, there are women everywhere yelling "Shut up and enjoy it" at their computer screens. Women who aren't spoiled rotten every day - but I'm not one of them and even though I know I'm coming off as bossy, irritable and ungrateful, I just cant sit on the couch with my feet up drinking tea for the rest of time.
There's been a fair bit of upheaval in the Mummy Household in the last two weeks. The Welsh Assembly Government, bless their souls, approved the funding for our bathroom conversion into a shower room. We originally requested a simple shower riser over the bath allowing me to shower unsupervised. In a bath I tend to drift to sleep and drown. They sent out their "people" who said no. They thought a wet room would be more suitable. Less for me to hit my head on as I fall down. Oh, and a downstairs toilet so I didn't have to wake Prince Daddy to warn him I was planning on peeing when he was sleeping off a night shift. I still need someone on hand while I shower, but at least they don't have to be in the same room any more and I don't have to announce my bodily functions in case they lead to a splat on the stairs.
Prince Daddy was in his element. We had a houseful of builders who'd all been briefed on Narcolepsy With Cataplexy and all supported him in his theory that pregnant women who are prone to falling down shouldn't be allowed to wander around. My favourite builder D, even made the tea when Prince Daddy wasn't around!
I've been truly fortunate in terms of pregnancy symptoms. After the fortnight of hell that was Medication Withdrawal, I've been pretty much ok. Some morning sickness - not bad but at the worst possible time. I missed my best friend's son's birthday party today. From about an hour before we needed to leave until just before the end, I was awful. Since then, fine (feeling nauseous doesn't count) Tomorrow there's a Family Christening the Mummy Clan should attend. I have 2 bags ready to take. My pretty handbag, and a sicky bag with paper bags/wetwipes etc in for the car journey.
Wish me luck!!!
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