Saturday, 2 January 2010

Typed with 2 fingers

Apologies in advance for any spelling mistakes or extra letters.  I am pecking today’s blog out with 2 fingers which aren’t necessarily communicating with each other!

As Prince Daddy kindly told you, I had to take a break from blogging due to stress induced Narcolepsy (that bloody festive season!) and a broken wrist (that bloody Narcolepsy!)

Actually, Christmas at the Castle was fantastic.  Little Prince is nearly 3 and so really understood the whole Christmas Story for the first time this year, although even I was hard pressed to explain why Father Christmas brings presents to everyone for Jesus’ birthday but not for anyone else’s!

We stayed at Queen Mummy’s house from Christmas Eve to Boxing day, having been to a Christmas Eve party with Auntie Shark (as named by Little Prince) and Baby Shark (who is 5 and beautiful!  Little Prince has a crush!)

Father Christmas made a cameo at the party, and was brought to tears by the effusive  thanks of Little Prince. 

Father Christmas did us all proud, leaving a play kitchen, play food, Action Man and a bucket full of dinosaurs!!!

The bucket full of dinosaurs was the chosen toy to attend Church and the hymn “come and join the celebration ROAR! It’s a very special day DINOSAUR!” will be with the Princess family forever.  Luckily this is the Church where Prince Daddy and Little Prince were christened (at the same time) and where we are all well known, if not well loved!  That last part is in jest.  We are always greeted warmly, and allowances are made for Narcoleptic collapses and small child tantrums.  We are also regularly prayed for and it is to this I credit not having injured myself any worse in my falls.

I still hold Prince Daddy accountable for my broken scaphoid!  Had he not been in the kitchen, “supervising” my cooking, I would not have been tormenting him and would not have laughed myself into a cataplexy!  And I would not have had to have yet another nice chat with the Samaritan on duty at the hospital.  Each time I go in with an injury, I am flagged as a possible victim of domestic violence and Prince Daddy is lured away so I can convince yet another well meaning person that I do actually do this to myself (sort of!)

Genuinely, I do appreciate their concern, and I know there are people who need help, but there’re only so many times I can explain myself before getting a little tetchy!

Finally, thanks for all the sympathy, expressed via comment, email and text.  I’ve done with feeling sorry for myself now and am getting my routine back. 

Blog you again soon xxx

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