Princess Mummy is loving the snow! We have had quite a lot in Chester but nowhere near as bad as a lot of areas in the UK. One friend of mine is bemoaning the fact that she has had nearly none in Shrewsbury and so must go to work regardless. We felt the same last week as Queen Mummy had a lot only 5 miles away as the crow flies when we had none at all.
Prince Daddy has battled to work each day on his little pushbike, (4 miles each way) only to find other staff taking the day off and then posting pictures on facebook showing that they could get around perfectly well! Grrr!
Prince Daddy was home by 4 yesterday afternoon and so we took Little Prince out bundled up and in his wellies to discover the joys of a snowball fight! We managed to engage an elderly couple (who threw the first balls!!!) The snow was fresh and powdery and brushed straight off, so we did not have to worry about injury. Although I may have looked a little odd with one purple glove and one hand brace.
We were only out for a short time before the cold got to us, but we did have fun. And Little Prince was very excited to have a hot bath and horlicks for bed. I wouldn’t have thanked you but he seemed happy.
I’ve also had a birthday since my last post. Little Prince is calling me an “old lady” but was forgiven as he and Prince Daddy brought me tea and Eggy Bread in bed.
(for those who don’t know, Eggy bread is a round of bread dipped into a beaten egg on both sides then fried in a tiny drop of oil in a super hot pan. Filling and quick and very tasty)
As I don’t know what I want as a birthday present, it has been added to the tally kept by Prince Daddy. I now have 2 Christmas presents and 2 birthday presents in reserve as I didn’t want anything last year either. I’m not being difficult, I promise. I just don’t want or need anything especially, and don’t see the point in buying gifts just for the sake of it. Unless they are trinkets like the Special Sister teddy and lottery ticket bought by Littlest Sister. Love and Dreams. The best gifts of all.
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