Friday, 29 January 2010


Princess Mummy had a long lie in this morning.  Queen Mummy took Little Prince last night.  He loves going to stay with Queen Mummy.  Both Little Sister and Littlest Sister have double beds so when Little Prince grew out of the travel cot, he started just bunking up with one of them.

Both of his aunties are a lot more relaxed than Princess Mummy and Prince Daddy.  Little Prince goes to bed later, has a DVD on in bed (he doesn't have a tv in his room at home) and sleeps in later.  So a grand adventure for him but less fun for the long suffering Sisters who sit through an hour of Thomas the Tank (current obsession) then get woken twice during the night for "wee wees."  To be fair though, Little Prince hasn't wet the bed once since he gave up nappy-pants.

Oh, and Little Prince is also a shocking duvet hog who likes to sleep in the middle of the bed.  Can't imagine where he gets that from!

Wednesday, 27 January 2010


It’s all finally got on top of Princess Mummy. I haven’t been right since Little Prince’s birthday party on Saturday. Although I have taken my meds as normal, for some reason they are not as effective as usual.

I can’t even blame elevated stress levels. Queen Mummy hosted the party, catered and sorted out guests. All we had to do was attend and bring cake which we did with gusto.

Little Prince had worked himself into such a state of excitement about his party and turning three that he had physically made himself sick! He kept no food down all day and yet still managed to bounce around like Tigger on speed!

After wrestling him onto a bus and struggling to keep him calm throughout the journey, my good work was undone as we pulled up to the stop. Littlest sister had decorated the bus shelter with balloons and banners which set Little Tigger Prince off even more. So after physically restraining Little Prince while Littlest Sister undressed the bus stop, we bounced him to his Nanna’s where party food, presents, games and excitement wore him out.

A wonderful time was had by all, totally thanks to Queen Mummy’s effort-which is more impressive when you realise she is throwing a 30th birthday party on Sunday for Big Sister. So my sleep system won’t be back to normal for some time I think.

Sunday, 24 January 2010


20th January 2010

The girls vs boys issue is very much occupying Little Prince.  We went to Pizza Hut for tea last night and Little Prince asked the pretty young waitress if she had a willy!  Luckily the poor woman was comfortable with kids and responded with the information that she was a girl and girls don’t have willies.  I must admit that Prince Daddy was not much use as he was too busy trying to hide his laughter at her face and my embarrassment.  One napkin just wasn’t enough.

All through the starter, Little Prince talked about the willy issue until we had a little chat saying that people don’t like to talk about willies.  This seemed to do the trick.

Until this morning when Little Prince asked the plumber if he had a willy and confidentially informed him that girls don’t have willies so the wee-wee comes out of their bum.


Girls and Boys

19th January 2010

Little Prince has finally realised that girls and boys are…um…different. 

The Mummy clan are not particularly privacy conscious.  Princess Mummy’s habit of falling down, crossed with a 3 year old means no one bothers to lock the bathroom door, and therefore, no one bothers to knock before entering! 

So Princess Mummy was getting undressed for a bath when Little Prince walked in announcing “we need to talk” (his term for wanting some one-on-one time without TV or radio)  This was swiftly followed by “Oh No!  Mummy’s willy GONE!” 

Little Prince ran right round Princess Mummy looking for the missing appendage as Princess Mummy leapt into the bath to avoid closer examination.

I explained to little Prince that girls don’t have willies, just boys.  We also talked about girls having boobies and boys not.  End of conversation I thought until Prince Daddy was dragged into the bathroom to be told that girls don’t have willies and Mummy doesn’t have one either.  I don’t know how he thought Prince Daddy might have missed it.

He took a poll, pointing at each of us in turn, where we said “I’m a girl so no willy,” or in Prince Daddy’s case, “I’m a boy so I do have a willy.”  I can see this subject lasting a while.


this is likely to be a long blog entry.  Pain in my wrist and a bad bout of flu meant Princess Mummy has ignored the blog for a few days, then the internet connection went down so today I will upload several days worth of blog entries all at once!

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Iced In

The Mummy clan are currently iced in!  This is similar to being snowed in but the snow has turned to slippery ice and it’s too treacherous to step out of doors without Prince Daddy to scrape us up off the floor.

Prince Daddy is still manfully making it to work each day, but Princess Mummy and Little Prince are too afraid to head out alone.

Queen Mummy took Little Prince overnight on Friday.  Yesterday, King Daddy dug out the family sledge from when we were kids and Little Prince got his first taste of sledging.  He fell off a lot (naturally) then got straight back on!

I did receive an anxious phone call last night from Queen Mummy.  The temperature had dropped and King Daddy was worried about driving as the roads had gone very slick and the gritters have not been out in Queen Mummy’s area for several days.  Reluctantly, I agreed to Little Prince staying for another night.  Reluctantly only because I missed him so much.  In the event, it was very pleasant surprise night.  Prince Daddy and I spent the evening playing board games and cards and generally rowdy behaviour was the order of the night.

I am going today to collect my Little Prince and to spend the day with various assorted relatives.  Taking a toothbrush in case we get iced in tonight!!

Wednesday, 6 January 2010


Princess Mummy is loving the snow! We have had quite a lot in Chester but nowhere near as bad as a lot of areas in the UK.  One friend of mine is bemoaning the fact that she has  had nearly none in Shrewsbury and so must go to work regardless.  We felt the same last week as Queen Mummy had a lot only 5 miles away as the crow flies when we had none at all.

Prince Daddy has battled to work each day on his little pushbike, (4 miles each way) only to find other staff taking the day off and then posting pictures on facebook showing that they could get around perfectly well! Grrr!

Prince Daddy was home by 4 yesterday afternoon and so we took Little Prince out bundled up and in his wellies to discover the joys of a snowball fight!  We managed to engage an elderly couple (who threw the first balls!!!)  The snow was fresh and powdery and brushed straight off, so we did not have to worry about injury.  Although I may have looked a little odd with one purple glove and one hand brace.

We were only out for a short time before the cold got to us, but we did have fun. And Little Prince was very excited to have a hot bath and horlicks for bed.  I wouldn’t have thanked you but he seemed happy.

I’ve also had a birthday since my last post.  Little Prince is calling me an “old lady” but was forgiven as he and Prince Daddy brought me tea and Eggy Bread in bed.

(for those who don’t know, Eggy bread is a round of bread dipped into a beaten egg on both sides then fried in a tiny drop of oil in a super hot pan.  Filling and quick and very tasty)

As I don’t know what I want as a birthday present, it has been added to the tally kept by Prince Daddy.  I now have 2 Christmas presents and 2 birthday presents in reserve as I didn’t want anything last year either.  I’m not being difficult, I promise.  I just don’t want or need anything especially, and don’t see the point in buying gifts just for the sake of it.  Unless they are trinkets like the Special Sister teddy and lottery ticket bought by Littlest Sister.  Love and Dreams.  The best gifts of all.

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Typed with 2 fingers

Apologies in advance for any spelling mistakes or extra letters.  I am pecking today’s blog out with 2 fingers which aren’t necessarily communicating with each other!

As Prince Daddy kindly told you, I had to take a break from blogging due to stress induced Narcolepsy (that bloody festive season!) and a broken wrist (that bloody Narcolepsy!)

Actually, Christmas at the Castle was fantastic.  Little Prince is nearly 3 and so really understood the whole Christmas Story for the first time this year, although even I was hard pressed to explain why Father Christmas brings presents to everyone for Jesus’ birthday but not for anyone else’s!

We stayed at Queen Mummy’s house from Christmas Eve to Boxing day, having been to a Christmas Eve party with Auntie Shark (as named by Little Prince) and Baby Shark (who is 5 and beautiful!  Little Prince has a crush!)

Father Christmas made a cameo at the party, and was brought to tears by the effusive  thanks of Little Prince. 

Father Christmas did us all proud, leaving a play kitchen, play food, Action Man and a bucket full of dinosaurs!!!

The bucket full of dinosaurs was the chosen toy to attend Church and the hymn “come and join the celebration ROAR! It’s a very special day DINOSAUR!” will be with the Princess family forever.  Luckily this is the Church where Prince Daddy and Little Prince were christened (at the same time) and where we are all well known, if not well loved!  That last part is in jest.  We are always greeted warmly, and allowances are made for Narcoleptic collapses and small child tantrums.  We are also regularly prayed for and it is to this I credit not having injured myself any worse in my falls.

I still hold Prince Daddy accountable for my broken scaphoid!  Had he not been in the kitchen, “supervising” my cooking, I would not have been tormenting him and would not have laughed myself into a cataplexy!  And I would not have had to have yet another nice chat with the Samaritan on duty at the hospital.  Each time I go in with an injury, I am flagged as a possible victim of domestic violence and Prince Daddy is lured away so I can convince yet another well meaning person that I do actually do this to myself (sort of!)

Genuinely, I do appreciate their concern, and I know there are people who need help, but there’re only so many times I can explain myself before getting a little tetchy!

Finally, thanks for all the sympathy, expressed via comment, email and text.  I’ve done with feeling sorry for myself now and am getting my routine back. 

Blog you again soon xxx