Saturday, 19 December 2009

Pride coming AFTER a fall

There are times I am so very proud of Little Prince, yet at the same time, so sad for the responsibility he has taken on.

Princess Mummy and Little Prince spent yesterday at Queen Mummy’s house and took the early evening bus home.  Princess Mummy was struggling to stay awake on the journey and so called Prince Daddy to meet the bus.  Prince Daddy has been known to flag the bus down and physically shake me awake before today.  It’s the only part of a journey I do unaccompanied.  Big Sister puts me on the bus and Prince Daddy meets me off.

Prince Daddy advised me to get my medi-tags out in case I did drift off.  As I wrapped them round my wrist, Little Prince took my phone from my pocket.  “Mummy sleep, I answer”.  I let him have it.

Around 20 minutes from our flat, I called Prince Daddy and gave him our eta.  I was already struggling to stay awake, and at some point, lost consciousness.  I was awoken just a few minutes from our stop by Little Prince stroking my face and kissing me.  “wake up Mummy”.

He pressed the bell for our stop, and seeing Prince Daddy, said “Mummy needs help”.

Prince Daddy helped me off the bus and I walked home, flanked by the two men in my life. 

Sometimes I worry about Little Prince.  I had a cataplexy attack last week which I couldn't rouse from.  He grabbed my mobile and hit the green button until he reached someone (Queen Mummy) It was only on telling Prince Daddy that we realised he had tried Prince Daddy first, then managed to scroll through last dialled.

When I had an attack with just him, Queen Mummy and me present, he wouldn’t allow Queen Mummy to take care of me.  He sat next to me, stroked my hair and said “it’s ok Mummy, I’m here.  You’re ok Mummy”.

Everything he knows, Little Prince has learned from Prince Daddy or does instinctively.  He is never asked to do anything, yet does so much to help out.  Although he is not 3 until January, Little Prince is so mature. 

Can someone remind me of this when he’s in his teens and I’m begging him to grow up please?

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