Monday, 7 December 2009

A lazy weekend

Princess Mummy owes everyone an apology! I haven’t been writing for a few days because losing my voice heralded the start of a cold. This meant the Narcolepsy kicked in for some reason and I kept falling asleep at random times. In the middle of conversation, or during dinner for example. I was forthwith banned from going on the stairs alone
 (I broke my wrist last time I fell asleep on the stairs.) Fortunately, Prince Daddy was off work over the weekend and picked up the slack for me, going over and above in terms of housework. I was very impressed when he disappeared for an hour into the bathroom and I discovered he had been cleaning so I wasn’t bent over (which can trigger blackouts for me)

The last bit of praise I have for Prince Daddy (in case his head swells up) is that he stood behind me in the kitchen as I made shepherds pies and apple strudel. Making sure I don’t keel over and get scalded is a very important part of the job as I make these meals on his days off and freeze them for reheating when he’s in work. That way we get balanced, nutritious meals and I’m at less risk of being injured. For the record, he saved me from two potential accidents so thanks hon!

On a side note, before I was diagnosed, every time I went to A&E with a blackout injury, poor Prince Daddy would be lured away and a member of the Samaritans/Clergy came to talk to me. I don’t think anyone believed I could just be that accident prone!

On a more cheerful note, we have a new tradition in the castle – tidying up is henceforth to be known as “playing the Wall-E game” after the film.

Princess Mummy didn’t fancy the film much. After over a year of hearing Prince Daddy’s Wall-E impression from the trailers over and over, I couldn’t help but feel it would be encouraging him to actually expose him to the film. Plus, no one really speaks in the first half of the film and that just bugs me! And that robot? Definitely needs a Disney romance detox!

I was definitely in the minority though as Little Prince and Prince Daddy were riveted to the screen from the first cleanup to the last hieroglyphics.

I was very impressed with the level of empathy shown by my little yobbo. Starting with upset for the dirty world, (“Naughty People throw rubbish”) crawling in my lap to show me how good it was Wall-E had a friend (“aw Mummy, look!”) We even had sniffles at the sad part towards the end. I was mildly amused and glanced at Prince Daddy to share in my humour, to see that my Burly Welshman was in full blown tears.

Disney gets to us all in the end!


  1. I've got a cold, too. I'm gutted.

    You are not alone in your views about Wall-e; I find the lack of dialogue very odd and strangely annoying, but daughter loves it! Guess Disney went for the children's vote on that one - I much prefer Ratatouille!

  2. thats high priority on our rental list-Prince Daddy had a Disney deprived youth so I'm showing him loads now.


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