Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Splats and Bum Wiggles

So what have we learned this week? Other than that I am rubbish at keeping my promises to post, obviously. 

1) That Mr Pop is not a good game for narcoleptics!  Little Prince has renamed it Mr Splat.
Basically, Princess Mummy got all overexcited when she saw this game.  At the Castle where I grew up, I was the champion Mr Pop player! I'd spend ages putting those little face pieces in, desperate to beat the clock before the game POPS up and flings the tiny missiles back at you.  Well now it's a splat-in-a-box. Because every time Mr Pop pops up, Princess Mummy falls down.

2) That 3D movies are NOT suitable for this particular narcoleptic! For similar reasons to Mr Pop but without the shrapnel.
Prince Daddy and Princess Mummy went to Big Town last week to see the new Mazerunner film (reviews here
I don't have much of an opinion of the film as yet because - without spoilers - there are a few jumpy bits which made Princess Mummy go Splat and Prince Daddy had to rescue me from face-planting my own nachos! 
We'll try to see it again- fully dosed on meds and in 2D this time and I'll let you know how that goes!

3) That as well as Princess Mummy's fabulous good looks and gung-ho attitude to most anything, Little Thug has also inherited Princess Mummy's smart mouth and inability to resist the last word. Which while he's a cute little 18 month old is kinda funny but I can see his elder years being a battle of wills. - I just hope that Prince Daddy and I can walk the line between discipline and not crushing his spirit. Wish us luck with that! 

4) And finally, that Little Prince is responding so well to his new medication for ADHD.  He's focused in school which is improving his work but,  more importantly, boosting his confidence no end. A lot of the emotional issues ended with the change of meds although they weren't listed as side effects.
So Prince Daddy and I can enjoy our Little Prince without him bouncing around like Tigger on Speed. And best of all,  Little Prince says he doesn't feel any different but "They stop my bum wiggling on its own."

And no one likes an independently wiggly bum!


  1. You are an incredible women. So inspiring to read how you cope amazingly with raising a family whilst struggling with the every day challenges that life as a narcaleptic throw at you.
    You have a humour not everyone can poses.
    You are a very special amazing lady xx

    1. Thank you so much! Although I'm nothing without the support of Prince Daddy and an amazing group of friends. But they are deserve a post in their own right 😉


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