The Littlest Prince has turned life at the castle upside down, given it a good shake and put it back together inside out. We knew we were lucky to have a "good" baby with Little Prince - slept well, ate well, grew. Littlest Prince is doing none of the above. Although he is drinking milk like it's going out of fashion, he isn't gaining weight as he should be and so our Health Visitor has recommended changing him onto Lactose Free milk as she suspects he may be intolerant.
She's weighing him again on Friday so we'll see if he's done giving us scares. At birth he decided that breathing and keeping his heart beating wasn't quite for him and so pooped in his waters and gave up. So as I was being sewn up after an emergency caesarean, he was rushed to Intensive Care at the Special Care Baby Unit. I didn't meet him until he was over 24 hours old.
Prince Daddy took Little Prince in to meet the Littlest Prince in the evening. He is now totally smitten with his baby brother and is thrilled to have met him before even me.
Little Prince spent last night reading The Gruffalo to Littlest Prince. It was Little Prince's favourite story as a baby and he insisted on finding his book to read to Littlest Prince. Strange how these things come back to you-both Little Prince and I could recite it from memory, having read it on many, many bus journeys, every night at bedtime and as an afternoon filler before a nap.
The Littlest Prince worships his big brother and gives him all his best smiles and is even-at 10 weeks-trying to laugh.
Narcolepsy and Newborns aren't the easiest combination to handle. Prince Daddy and I are ships that pass in the night as we alternate looking after Littlest Prince and sleeping. My planned naps are more important than ever with a new baby to be responsible for; and as a night worker, Prince Daddy needs at least 7 hours unbroken sleep in order to be of use to his boss. And so we are playing Pass the Baby as children play Pass the Parcel but as you unwrap the nappy layer, the prizes aren't nearly as nice.
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