The Mummy household has been completely taken over by the Christmas Bug. And I'm not just referring to the Festive Spirit - which has taken over the living room, kitchen, hallway, etc then spilled over and leaked out in the form of a wreath on the front door.
No, the "bug" I am referring to is slightly less endearing although the effects are just as pronounced albeit in a different way. The winter vomiting bug has struck. Although a very minor skirmish with Little Prince, I am anxious not to repeat the experience. I thought MEN were bad when poorly but Little Prince took it all to a whole new level! Between croaks demanding water, calpol and, eventually toast, Little Prince also produced a few of his more immortal lines.
No, the "bug" I am referring to is slightly less endearing although the effects are just as pronounced albeit in a different way. The winter vomiting bug has struck. Although a very minor skirmish with Little Prince, I am anxious not to repeat the experience. I thought MEN were bad when poorly but Little Prince took it all to a whole new level! Between croaks demanding water, calpol and, eventually toast, Little Prince also produced a few of his more immortal lines.
Although a 3, "nearly four!" year old has very little concept of his own mortality, Princess Mummy was rushing up the stairs with a tray to hear "Hurry up Mummy, I'm running out of seconds!" Accordingly, I increased my pace to discover that it wasn't a cry for the toilet, but more a statement of his emotions.
So Little Prince is now officially emotionally deeper than his Mummy. Must be careful not to drown in the puddles of Dettol I'm spreading around the Castle.
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