Sunday, 29 November 2009

Better than expected

Today we went to meet and welcome the newest member of our family.  Little Niece made her appearance in the world on 13th November but we felt maybe Sister-in-Law and Brother-Almost-in-Law would appreciate some time to settle in and for Big Niece to get to grips with her new sister.

Husband and my relationship with the In Laws can sometimes be slightly... um... tense so we decided to go in like diplomatic relations.  Gentle approach, soft voices, kind words and gifts.

We grabbed the gifts as we reached the house, ready to lead with the (literal) peace offerings but Son has never heard of diplomatic relations and charged ahead screaming for his grandparents.  The soft voice referred to yesterday was temporarily forgotten!

So instead of a strong, gentle entrance, Husband and I made a slow, cringing entrance, hiding behind a large stuffed bear and a Minnie Mouse colouring set, visions of Little Niece, rudely awoken and screaming dancing in our heads.

At risk of putting a huge burden on teeny tiny shoulders, Little Niece might well be the olive branch the family needs.  Absolutely adorable, she's a tiny mite who can sleep for Wales.  Father-in-Law would be very excited if she does anything for Wales so she's already fulfilled his dreams.  Son and Big Niece were very noisy playing and she barely stirred.  Princess Mummy was allowed to feed her and Husband burped her.  Some of the burps produced were most unladylike and Husband was very impressed!  Maybe she could do that for Wales?!

After an hour's visit, Princess Mummy and Husband very perceptively noticed that the new parents were looking tired and departed in a flurry of kisses and handshakes.

Princess Mummy is getting broody although she daren't admit it to Husband-he was also seduced by the new baby smell.  No babies for us until PM is working and well medicated!  It's my rule but very hard to stick to sometimes!

Son's take on babies?  "Quiet now isn't it mummy? Shall we lets have a chocolate lolly?"

Chocolate or babies?  From the mouths of babes as they say...

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