Sunday, 11 July 2010

Not so much King Edwards as…

Little Prince’s first planting in the garden has come to fruition.  Whilst we were away, the potato plants we put in during March have flowered and died.  And so, without much hope, the boys dug in and pulled out the plants.  Obviously, Princess Mummy was supervising from a deckchair, and at one point, thought it was raining spuds! But no, Prince Daddy had given Little Prince control of the fork and Little Prince was gaily digging up his tiny – and not so tiny – potatoes.

So, from 4 jacket potatoes that had gone to “eyes” in the cupboard, (that I’d let Little Prince plant to keep him quiet) we now have a whole bucket of potatoes.  Enough that we are providing the roasties and the boiled for Queen Nanna’s famous Sunday Dinner.  Famous as she holds an open house – 6 immediate family, plus spouses and offspring, plus any friends that drop in.  Good times!

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Lovin’ Summer

Princess Mummy and the Mummy clan are back from our first ever family holiday.  Relaxed and refreshed.  Little Prince had the most amazing time just running riot on the campsite, running riot on the beach, running riot in the fair… well you get the drift.

A member of our family has a static caravan and offered it to us free and gratis for a few days.  So we packed up the clan, arranged a cat sitter and headed out to traumatise the good people of Rhyl.

Despite our plan to go for 2 nights, I decided that 6 clean changes of clothes was a minimum for Little Prince and anyone who may either be slimed by him or in the area of the trail of grubbiness that seems to follow in his wake.  It turned out to be a good idea.  We ended up staying for 4 days and used every outfit once, and those that weren’t too filthy went twice!  And on the last day, my attractive offspring confided in me he’d only changed his underpants once!  He’d hidden the other clean undies which are all of a similar design!

According to Prince Daddy, we should let our kids get away with these small rebellions once in a while.  As I was shocked, speechless and trying not to laugh at the time, Little Prince has got away with it.  This once.  Prince Daddy has had a quiet chat about being clean and changing underpants which Little Prince listened to very seriously.  This morning he conducted an underwear check to make sure we were all wearing clean underwear.  When we were in the middle of town.  Hmmm. 

Friday, 9 July 2010

On a promise

Princess Mummy and clan have just got back from their first family holiday EVER! Give us a day or so to recover and sleep and then I'll be back with a MegaBlog!